
I am in the process of planning a wedding...close to being done, actually! In 46 days, the Ginger and I will be getting married. It has been a bit of a bumpy ride; we got engaged while my mom was going through chemo. Right before she got diagnosed with ovarian cancer, my dad lost his job. It was not by any means an ideal time to start planning an event that typically costs $27,000 in the mid-west! So I set out to do a wedding on a budget of $2000. Fortunately, God is good, and He has provided along the way. Our circumstances changed as time went on, and the budget grew to about $7000. Although quite and increase from the original budget, it is still a small amount when it comes to weddings. I strongly believe that it is possible (with a little creativity and a lot of work) to have a beautiful and meaningful wedding that isn't outrageously expensive.

A lot of the posts of my ideas and projects will be taken directly from my other blog because I'm just too lazy to retype anything! I wanted a fresh/pretty blog to share my months of wedding planning, but to also share my nesting experience (food + decorating). And so I give you Love Won't Cost Thing!